Email Templates Quick Tips


Build your list and follow up with emails to sell – we’ve all heard this advice, it’s the standard buzzword of online marketing to grow your business.

😵But after you’ve connected with someone, how do you make your emails not only look beautiful but also be on brand and EFFECTIVE at positioning you as the expert and your business as the service provider of choice? 📋 That’s a 6 figure question!

Today I’ll share how I structure my email templates with headings, graphics and signature blocks.

🚀 Follow along to set up your own email template. It will kickstart the process of writing emails when it’s time to follow up and continue the conversation, build the relationship and present your offer. If you have any questions please reach out 💃 I’d love to chat about your list-building and follow up efforts.

Let’s get started.

When creating my emails I choose one of the simple KAJABI email templates (insert the name of your email marketing platform and choose an email template). Next we’ll customize it with your branded Canva image in the header and another in the Signature Block under the email body. Below that I put my company details.

Once completed I save this as my basic template. You can see my template below on the left hand side. I use this template when sharing everyday marketing emails.

Kickstart Email Template Example


When it’s time to create a new email, for example promoting or following up after the sale of a new workbook, I start with this basic email template and add into the body a Canva image I created for the marketing. In the picture above on the right, you can see an example of an image I created for my Vision & Goal Setting Workbook. The block includes a Call To Action which takes people to the Sign Up Form in the case of a Freebie/Lead Magnet, or the Sales Page or Check Out for a paid product. Prior to this image I would write an introduction for the product I’ll be promoting.

When all the elements have been inserted I save this email as a separate template which can then be adapted for promotion and in the welcome email sequence. Using the same image of the workbook, in the emails and on the sales page creates continuity and starts the trust building process.

The image gives your reader a reference point, letting them know they’re in the right place for that workbook and setting the stage for what’s up next. If they don’t want to hear about this workbook for example, they can opt out of the sequence using a link I created and revert back to the main marketing email stream.

I love templates because they kickstart the process of writing emails by giving me a starting point. Open the email template and Voila, all the basics covering my brand, message and company contact etc are already in place. I can go straight to writing to my audience.

Hope this kickstarts your email template set up. If you have questions, let’s chat.

💃 I’d love to chat about your business and strategies to get set up to sell.

Drop a comment below and let’s get the conversation started!

If you have questions about showcasing your company online, automating sales processes, email marketing or your course platform, I regularly write, train and speak on Business Growth Strategies; Lead Generation, List Building, Sales Funnels, Lead Magnet Creation, Sales Lead Management, Follow Up and KAJABI.

Have a great week turning conversations into clients.




Cheryl Scoffield, Sales & Funnel Technology Set Up To Sell | Kajabi Specialist

Kickstart Your Company is an online business development strategy and skills development company offering set up to sell build services for WordPress, Kajabi and LinkedIn, Online Training, VIP Done For You, and Sales Funnel Builds. My specialty is a blend of strategic mentorship and co-creation to help you take action and maximize sales opportunities.